


I guess I have not update the new entry for a very long period of time. I have a lot of story that will share with my silent readers :)

Now, i'm studied at Politeknik Merlimau in course of architecture. it is not easy at all. I put all my effort on it but it still not enough to be the best student in my batch. sometimes, i am depressed because they move faster than me. their brilliant ideas make me felt that i am noob

That is not bout my studies at all. it is bout my life. Thanks Allah for giving me two best person in my life. both are so cute and damn kind to me. i admit that something they annoy me but in other time, i would do it the same too. its fair my darl  :) Tbh , i miss both of you a lot. You are my best friends, roomates, housemates and classmate ever !

Ehem , not only that. My bae also there ! Yes! We studied at same place and we are in same course ! Jodoh tak kemana lah kan. Hehe. Thanks sayang for by my side always. be there when I needed. Be there when i cry. Be there when i sick. Tbh, you are my shadow and i would not stay without you. You are my man forever !

Last but not least , miss you a lot my dear family. Always in my heart wherever i go. All of you always in my mind when im doing some decision in my life. how can i live without you. thanks ibu ayah for support me all the time. thanks siblings for missing me always. thanks all of you for love :')

#Just a short memo. I put here so that it can remind me about 20 years later :)

Suka entry nie? like jelah..

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